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Follow your dreams - Multifunctional chimney tunnel

A neck warmer to protect the neck or head from changing weather conditions.

Sale price19,00 zł
expected completion date:
7-10 business days
Follow your dreams - Multifunctional chimney tunnel
Follow your dreams - Multifunctional chimney tunnel Sale price19,00 zł

Follow your dreams

Kolekcja produktów stworzona specjalnie dla fundacji charytatywnej zajmującej się rehabilitacją dzieci niepełnosprawnych.
Część dochodu ze sprzedaży przeznaczona jest na wsparcie działalności "Follow your dreams"

Become more visible and recognizable

be noticed

Whether you're going to a competition or running a class, you won't go unnoticed.
We will prepare a design especially for you and print individual names / surnames / nicknames on the product.

express yourself - be proud

The product will be in the colors of your personal brand or club.
We can also add the Polish flag and the club's logo.

sell products

No matter if you are a small or large club - you can benefit from our experience.
All products made with your logo can also be resold.

The multifunctional ConceptPro chimney can fulfill various functions.

It works great for people who train, as well as when skiing and cycling.
Extremely practical and easy to maintain.

Tunnel made of high quality polyester material, non-adjustable.
The tunnel is seamless.