Aug 12, 2024 · followyourdreams · borzygniew
Experiencing emotions in sport has multidimensional significance.
We usually look at them through the prism of competition.
However, there are events where the competition is marginal.
What counts is the smiles, the amount of high fives along the way to the finish line, and the community.
One of such events is the Borzygniew Triathlon - which we had the pleasure to see for ourselves.
This was another event under the wings of the Fizjotriterapia Foundation. Follow your dreams in which we had the pleasure of participating.
The road to the unknown
I have taken part in sports competitions hundreds of times.
During this time I was able to experience a huge spectrum of emotions.
What I experienced last weekend went far beyond my imagination.
Surprise? Yes.
The leap in consciousness in such moments is so powerful that it changes our perspective on many issues.
It enriches you emotionally and allows you to understand the deeper meaning of life.
Third shift
We came to Borzygniew in a group of four people.
Each of us had a slightly different role.
Among other reasons, due to the division of responsibilities, we decided to take part in a relay race.
As a technical partner we had our obligations.
The sense of responsibility in moments like these is great.
And something else... I can actually admit it - I am stubbornly opposed to swimming!
Tomek took the burden of swimming and cycling upon himself.
I was assigned the third shift. Running - a discipline that comes naturally to me.
My time
I was nervously waiting for Tomek near the transition zone.
I didn't really know when to expect it.
I wanted to warm up a bit, but I didn't really know how much time I had.
I decided to jog along the route.
After a few minutes Tomek appeared. He surprised me.
I followed him into the zone.
A quick modification to the stroller and I'm off to the running track.
A different run than usual
The start of the race was a bit chaotic.
I had to be careful not to collide with people returning from their bikes.
Then safely pass the deceleration lane.
Once I managed to get back on track I became more aware of the situation.
I wanted to build a relationship with my child. We talked about the environment…
I felt weak. I broke emotionally…
I cried for the first mile.
There was no way I could control myself.
Sometimes I felt moved at the finish line.
Never before at the start of a race.
This circumstance is very telling.
It proves that the event is different.
Unlike standard competitions, it was the participation, being an integral part of the event, that was important.
High five
If there was any element of competition along the way, it was in terms of the number of high fives given to other participants.
Every single one of us caught Flow.
A total flow of kindness, smiles and expressions.
In this condition Dorotka and I reached the finish line.
It doesn't take much
Behind every project there are people.
Without them, such projects would not be possible.
They are the inspiration. They show us the direction and allow us to see what we often do not see ourselves.
Finally, I managed to exchange a few words with Łukasz, who is the originator and one of the pillars of the foundation.
I wanted to share my observations with him.
Łukasz looked at me and said something very instructive.
Something I think will perfectly sum up this post:
“People associate helping mainly with financial issues.
It seems to us that the only way is to collect funds.
During such events we can give the gift of time and closeness to another person.
To allow you to experience the adventure, while at the same time gaining a chance to feel the power that comes from being able to help."
Thank you