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Sowi BackYard Ultra Bielawa

Owl BackYard Ultra Bielawa

The report from the BackYard Ultra competition in Bielawa can be summed up in one sentence: extraordinary strength of character and the triumph of a young athlete. The BackYard Ultra competition in Bielawa, which took place on 26.05.2023, attracted the attention of all lovers of extreme sports. As many as 54 brave competitors took part in this murderous fight, where incredible will to fight and a mega strong head were necessary. It was a real test for their minds and bodies, and the route in the Owl Mountains was quite a challenge.

The charming forest paths and beautiful views of the Sudety reservoir created an incredible atmosphere for these competitions. The competitors had to face a difficult route that required full concentration and determination. Every step was important, and every challenge encountered on the way had to be overcome with the will to fight and strength. We are extremely pleased that as Conceptpro we could support this incredible event. Our involvement was not only business, but also personal. Seeing how the competitors fought and overcame their weaknesses, we felt part of this spectacle.

In this incredible race, Patryk Świętochowski stood on the highest podium. This talented 19-year-old completed 52 loops of the route, thus establishing a new Polish and world record in the age category under 23. His incredible effort and tenacity made a huge impression on all the fans present. Patryk arrived at the competition without support, on a completely lonely journey, with a tent and great enthusiasm. His young age and fortitude made him a real favorite of the audience and quickly won the hearts of the residents of Bielawa, who not only cheered him on, but stood next to him in this difficult fight, taking care of the hydration and feeding of the competitor. We cannot forget about Piotr Łuszcz, who bravely accompanied Patryk on this path. His great strength of spirit and courage were invaluable and he became an example for all the participants of these competitions.

This is a unique event that attracts both experienced runners and sports enthusiasts from all over the country. This is an extraordinary competition that tests the limits of endurance and determination. It is worth mentioning that behind the success of each such event there is always a group of people who devote themselves completely, taking care of the excellent experience of the participants. The organizers of BackYard Ultra in Bielawa are a perfect example of such commitment.

There is no doubt that taking on the organization of such an event is a huge challenge. The dedication of many people and the hard work deserve great respect. Special thanks to Łukasz Bienias - the main initiator and organizer of the entire event.

One of the amazing aspects of volunteer work is their ability to ensure that the race runs smoothly, even on cold nights. The Backyard Ultra in Bielawa is a race that lasts until the finish line. Runners must cover the same 4.167-mile (6.706 km) course every hour. This means that the longer the race lasts, the more demanding it becomes for competitors and organizers.

Regardless of weather conditions, everyone ensures that the route is properly marked and safe for runners. It is necessary to provide route lighting, checkpoints and all other measures necessary for the safe conduct of the competition.

Their understanding and support for the runners is also an invaluable contribution. Backyard Ultra in Bielawa is a race that tests not only the physical endurance but also the mental strength of the participants. The organizers are well aware of this challenge and are present to provide the runners with the necessary emotional support and motivation throughout the race.

At ConceptPro we always value the value of long-term relationships with our clients. That is why we are committed to supporting you in organizing future events. Our products and our knowledge are available to you so that you can continue to create unforgettable moments and events.

Our solutions are tailored to your needs so that you and your guests can achieve success and satisfaction.

At ConceptPro we are constantly developing to provide you with the latest technologies and innovative solutions. We follow the latest trends in the sports and event industry. Our team consists of professionals with extensive experience who are constantly improving their skills to provide you with the highest quality of service.

Thank you for the trust you have placed in us during this fantastic event.

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